Natural Hoof Care for Horses

The horse’s natural hoof has a specific and sacred geometrical shape, perfectly capturing earth energies and distributing them throughout the entire body for lifelong health and harmony.

This harmony can be sensed by the rider as groundedness, athleticism, and cooperation.

The moment the horse is confined, separated from its native biome, the natural shape, which is dependent upon constant wear in the evolutionary equine environment, begins to degrade. This leads to a host of common domestic lameness and health issues.

For individuals or small groups, Stillpoint Center therapist Beverly Welbourne offers classes in maintaining proper hoof shape. She says, “When I think about hooves and the horse industry, I think of a famous line from the writings of Mark Twain:

‘What gets us into trouble
is not what we don’t know
It’s what we know for sure
that just ain’t so'”

Horses in the sunshine.

Schedule Your Natural Hoof Care Class

For questions and appointments, please contact Beverly Welboure at (513) 489-9777 or email